Friday, May 7, 2010


I woke up late and missed my Friday Class. So I head straight to the office to stare at my computer and try to keep myself awake until 6PM.

Here's a photo that I have been staring at for the past 10 minutes:

Liz Wolfe works. Wonderful. Sweet and Gross. Sometimes I wonder if there is still an artist left in me. For now, I stare and get curious.

Our home development plans is moving. Got the first print of my house plan. Just the exterior since the originals are still lacking in signatures so we have to wait for another week. The hardwork follows. Negotiation and endless accounting. With hubby not enjoying and making any progress on personal finance, I am taking the full responsibility on handling whatever funds we can raise to build that home. I want my own place and even if it means another ball to juggle on my already full hands, this is something that will be taken without grudge.

My Bungalow with Mezanine home will be up soon. Although I prefer to see it on its more natural/original form: the cabin style that I fell in love with. The architect gave me a Jap design plan but the interior are quite the same with the original. The Jap design is appropriate to the Asian part where we live so one have no complains about it. But maybe we can work it out. Maybe.

National Election is on Monday. May God Bless Philippines.

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