Friday, March 2, 2012

Easy Cooking: Chicken Adobo

Since we moved into our new place I have been trying to put some time on cooking. Our no-fail favorite is the Adobo. Its easy to cook, does not require lots of ingredients, and taste better even for leftovers. In fact, the left over ones are the best ones. .

I have tried different versions of adobo (filipino adobo): chicken adobo, pork adobo and chicken-pork adobo. My favorite is the chicken adobo.

Here's how:

You will need the following:

1/2 kg chicken pieces (my favorite are wings and thigh!)
10 cloves garlic ( you can add more if you want)
1 large onion
1/4 cup vinegar
3 bayleaf
1 tbsp crushed black peppercorn
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup water
4-5 medium-sized potatoes ( you can add more if you like)

In a pot, put the chicken pieces, crushed garlic, vinegar, black peppercorn, onion and bayleaf.

Simmer for 20 minutes without stirring.

Sauce will start to reduce and the chicken will start to render fat.

Turn chicken pieces over when sides are golden brown.

Add soy sauce and the potatoes.

Add water if sauce dries up before potatoes were cooked.

Serve hot.

Here is one of my favorite desserts: Brazo de mercedes. Don't ask me why its called like that here but I think there are counterparts that I've seen around the net. I don't know what its called though.

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Home is where my story begins
Raising  Oranges

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing your adobo recipe and i do love brazo de mercedes, its my favorite!



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